July 22-25, 2024

6:00 - 8:15PM

For kids entering kindergarten

through those entering 5th grade.

At Stellar VBS, kids will discover how they can shine Jesus’ love and hope in everyday life! Kids will participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, and experience one-of-a-kind Bible Adventures.

VBS is currently FULL. Use the link below to join the wait list. 



July 9 - August 20

@ NorthCross

A six-week Short-Term Group will meet at NorthCross on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm, starting July 9.  It will operate just like our in-home NorthCross Groups do, using the sermon group questions for discussion. 

Join Short-Term Group

Mowing & Weeding

Help us keep NorthCross beautiful by joining the Mowing Team or by volunteering to pull weeds. Training and directions will be provided. If you are interested in joining the team or if you have questions, let us know by clicking on the button below.

Sign Up

SUMMER Food Drive

NorthCross is working together with the Community Action Partnership (CAP) of Scott, Carver, and Dakota Counties to provide physical assistance to those in need. You can make an impact by bringing non-perishable food and personal care items to the summer food drive.

Collection bins will be outside during the week, or you can bring your donation when you come for a service. Items will be collected through June 16

Suggested Donations

2024 Youth Rally

Colorado State University

Fort Collins, CO

June 25-28, 2024

Experience an opportunity to spend four days with 2,000 other high school students from across the country. There will be games, entertainment, music, and workshops to help students grow in their faith walk with Jesus.

Through fundraising and special donations, we are hoping to lower the cost for each student to approximately $250. 

Now is the time to let us know if you are interested in going to the Rally or learning more about it. Please click on the button below to share your interest with us.

Interest Form

Rally Website

Spring Clean-up day

Saturday, May 18th

9:00AM - 12:00PM

We will be spending a morning of spring cleaning at NorthCross and would love to have you join us. There will be things to do both inside and outside. If you are interested in helping, please let us know you are coming by using the sign up button below.

Sign Up

Bible Reading Plan

90 Days in the Psalms

Began on Monday, February 5

The YouVersion Bible app will allow participants to get daily reminders, and it will also provide an opportunity for people to chat about the reading of the day. If you are new to the NorthCross Bible reading, click the below button for all the details.


If you already have the YouVersion Bible App and have participated in our Bible Reading Plan, you can sign up for this plan by clicking the button below. 

Sign Up

Bible Reading Videos

Occasionally, NorthCross provides short videos that accompany our daily Bible reading. These videos can be accessed through a NorthCross Facebook group. To sign up for the group, click on the button below.

Facebook Group


SPONSORShip Opportunity

NorthCross has an opportunity to sponsor students who belong to our partner church in Nong Khai, Thailand. This sponsorship helps to educate each child both academically and spiritually. It also provides an opportunity for sponsors to have a relationship with the student through letters, videos and other correspondence. If you are interested in sponsoring a child, please contact our coordinator, Lisa Streckert, by clicking on the button below.

Email Lisa

Twin Cities Youth Night

Sunday, April 21

6:00 - 8:10PM

Twin Cities Youth Night is an event that is designed for students in high school or college from across the Twin Cities. It will be an evening filled with music, Bible teaching, discussion, and fun. There is no cost to attend, but for planning purposes, we ask that you register. For more information and to register, click on the button below.

Twin Cities Youth Night




The NorthCross Community Impact Team has organized a way to make difference beyond our community. Feed My Starving Children offers a unique experience to prepare nutritious food for needy children around the world. 

No experience required. This activity is good for the whole family. Participants need to be five years old or older.


st. John / San Juan

DÍa del NiÑo

April 27, 2024

NorthCross has a ministry partnership with St. John Church in St. Paul, MN. St. John is a offering a Día del Niño event to the children and families of their community on April 27. We are wanting to help provide toys to be given out at the event.

Toys will be collected at NorthCross from April 6-14. Use the links below for more information.

List of Toys

Questions about the event? You can email one of the event organizers: Jenny Otto.



Marriage Night

Thursday, April 4th


Plan a date night with your spouse and join us for Marriage Night. Marriage Night is an opportunity for married couples of all ages to grow their relationship together and to be refreshed. 

Our guest speaker is Dr. Michael Walcheski. He is a marriage counselor and also a professor at Concordia University in St Paul.

Dr Walcheski points out that some problems in marriage are solvable and some aren't. His presentation will explore these two categories of problems and what we can do about them.

Marriage Night is $10 per couple and you can register by clicking on the button below. No childcare is provided, so be sure to book a baby-sitter.  See you on April 4th!



More information

  • MARCH 28


    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. Once you click into this text area, you will see the filler text disappear.

  • MARCH 29

    5 & 6:30Pm

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. Once you click into this text area, you will see the filler text disappear.

Good Friday

FRIDAY, march 29th

5 & *6:30 PM

Join us for this service which remembers the day that Jesus died to purchase our forgiveness. It's a service that's filled with visuals and music that point to Jesus' great sacrifice as he suffered and died on the cross.

*The 6:30pm service will be live-streamed.



  • Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. Once you click into this text area, you will see the filler text disappear.

  • Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. Once you click into this text area, you will see the filler text disappear.

Maundy Thursday Communion Service

Thursday, march 28th

6:30 PM

Join us for a special service where we will remember how Jesus began a new meal called The Lord's Supper and why that meal is so important. The Lord's Supper will be offered at this service.

*This service will not be live-streamed.


February 8 - March 21

A Short-Term Group will meet at NorthCross on Thursdays from 6:30-8:00pm. It will operate just like other groups, using the Groups questions that accompany each sermon. Coinciding with this seven-week group are two sermon series that will provide a depth of conversation for our church leading up to the Easter celebration.

Sign Up

Staying in love

a workshop for Engaged couples

Saturday, March 2

9:00AM - 3:30PM

Falling in love is easy, but staying in love is the goal. "Staying in Love" is a one-day premarital event that will lay the foundation for Christian marriage and unpack proven strategies to equip couples with a plan to stay in love for a lifetime.

Morning snacks and lunch are provided. There is no set fee for this event, but donations to help offset costs are accepted.


LONDON Mission Trip

June 2024

A team from NorthCross will be going to London in June of 2024. They will be going to support the Gospel work of a new church that was planted in 2023. 

If you are interested in being on the team and would like to apply, click on the button below.


If you'd like to learn more about the London Church and the role of this team, click on the button below.

More Information

If you have questions about the trip, or would like to learn more details about the mission work that will be done while in London, you can email our Mission Trip Coordinator, Pam Schultz.

If you'd like to help by donating to our mission trip fund, go to the Give Page of our website and select mission trip from dropdown menu.

AsH WEdnesday Worship

Wednesday, February 14th


Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. It's a day when Christians focus on repentance and our need for forgiveness. NorthCross will be having a special service on Ash Wednesday which will include communion. You can join us in person or online. 

Night to shine

Friday, February 9th

Volunteers are needed to help with Night to Shine hosted at St Croix Lutheran Academy on Friday, February 10th.

Night to Shine is a prom-style event for people with special needs. There are a variety of volunteer roles available. If you are interested in volunteering or for more information, click the button below.

I'm Interested

Financial Peace University

Begins January 15


Starting on Monday, January 15, NorthCross will be hosting Financial Peace University (FPU). You can learn more about FPU at Financial Peace University

You can register by clicking the button below. The cost of FPU is $80. This cost includes the class along with access to online resources. *Please note that we have scholarships available for those who may need help with the fee. If you are interested in more information about the scholarship, you can email Pastor Ben.



If you are interested in attending FPU at NorthCross, but have questions, you can aske them by clicking on the button below.

Interest & Questions

Christmas party

at Skateville in Burnsville

December 10  |  6-8pm

Join us for the NXT GEN Christmas Party at Skateville in Burnsville. We will be meeting at Skateville, but if you are in need of a ride, contact Pastor Ben

Admission $10

Skate Rental $4



Saturday & Sunday, December 23 & 24

Christmas is something everyone can celebrate, and we'd love to celebrate with you this year.

We are planning a Christmas service that's designed with every age in mind.

The music, message, and environment will help you appreciate what Christmas is all about.

Christmas with NorthCross

Christmas with Christensen Collective



Come enjoy a night of music with Christensen Collective! 

Stafford, Becca and Caitlin Christensen, along with some special guests will be playing a Christmas Concert at Northcross. 

Christmas baskets

NorthCross is gathering Christmas Baskets for individuals and families in need. They will be distributed by the CAP Agency

You can find information about the different types of baskets we are collecting below.  To see a description of suggested items, click on the basket you are interested in. 

We are asking that the baskets be delivered to NorthCross by Sunday, December 10th.

NorthCross Basket (0)

Family Basket (0)

Home Essentials Basket (0)

Food Basket (0)

Gift Card

Sign up


Sunday, October 15th

Celebrate fall with us after either of the Sunday services. There will be snacks, cider, games for the kids, and a fall family photo opportunity.

share the Warmth

September 26 - October 8

NorthCross will be collecting new or gently used coats, hats, gloves, and boots for those in need in Lakeville and the surrounding communities. Donations can be dropped off at weekend services or place them in the bin outside the front door at anytime. Donations will be distributed through the CAP Agency.




Join us for an evening to celebrate and remember the blessings that we've been given by God. No matter how you are feeling or what you have, there is reason for thanksgiving. 

This service will be live-streamed for those that aren't able to make it in person.

Join our Team!

NorthCross is currently hiring 2 part-time positions: Operations Director and Engagement Director

You can find more details about the positions by clicking on the buttons below. If you'd like to apply, use the button to request an application. All applications should be submitted by October 1st.




RENA KNUTSON funeral service



FUNERAL | 10:00am

There will be a service at NorthCross on Saturday November 18th to remember the life and faith of Rena Knutson. We will miss Rena , but we also rejoice that she knew Jesus as her Savior and look forward to a reunion with her someday in heaven.

NC Youth Lesson Archive

Here's an archive of our NC Youth materials if you are looking to make up a missed lesson.

Click here to view the lessons in a YouTube playlist.


Lakeville clean-up

April 22, 2023

NorthCross is putting a team together to clean a portion of the city. Schedule and sign-up is below: 


1:00PM to 3:00PM

NorthCross Team - Clean Up

Exact location of our clean up will be determined that day. When you sign up, someone from NorthCross will contact you with more information.

*(optional) 11:00AM to 1:00PM

Earth Day Celebration event at the Lakeville Central Mantenance Facility. There will be lunch and family friendly activities!



NorthCross is partnering with the CAP Agency of Dakota County to help deliver meals to senior citizens in Lakeville, Apple Valley, and Rosemount. 

Delivery days are Tuesdays or Thursdays and each route takes about 90 minutes. If you are interested in volunteering or learning more, sign up by using the button below. Someone from the Community Impact Team will connect with you and share more details.


Grand SLam Outing

February 15, 2023

6:00-8:00 pm

One of our goals is to help students forge friendships that will help them grow in their faith. A great way to do that is to have fun together! 

Students are invited to participate in an optional outing to Grand Slam in Burnsville. The cost of $20 includes two hours of fun and a snack (pizza & beverage).

Click below to sign up someone from your household.

Sign up

Community Support

We believe that your church should be a place where you can give and receive care. We want to facilitate opportunities for that to happen among individuals.

Some people are in a situation of need. Others are in a position where they can help. You can fill out this form to either share a need or offer some help. All form submissions will be kept confidential by NorthCross staff.


We believe prayer changes things. Click here to submit a prayer request to our staff. Depending on how you fill out the form, we will either send your request to the entire NorthCross family or keep it private and pray for you as a staff.

Want to connect on Facebook? Join the NorthCross in Prayer Facebook group where we share prayer requests and encouragements in real time.

NorthCross Apparel

Secondary Title

Wearing NorthCross apparel is a great way to show support and increase awareness of our ministry together. You can order your NC apparel by clicking on the button below.

The store will be available until October 2nd.

Apparel Store

An Event for COllege freshmen

Secondary Title

August 9th


On August 9th NorthCross will be having an event for students who will be going to college for the first time.  The goal is to celebrate this step and to help ignite a passion to stay connected to Jesus through their college years. Click below to register.

NC Teens Car Wash

Saturday, June 18


Secondary Title

Come out and support our high school and college ministry while getting your car washed in the process. Proceeds from the car wash will be used to directly support the NC Teens ministry over the next year.

The car wash will be in the NorthCross parking lot. They will be accepting cash, check, or give a donation online by clicking on the below button.

Online Donation

NorthCross Basketball Camp

Secondary Title

Due to COVID-19, basketball camp has been cancelled. 

We look forward to Basketball Camp in 2021.

NorthCross Kids Ministry

Secondary Title

Church should be a place where kids who are loved by God love to be.

The volunteer positions listed below contribute towards an environment that helps us lead kids to Jesus.

Greeter & Check-in

Give families a great experience! Greet and check in participants as they arrive. 


Give kids a reason to get excited! Lead a 10-minute game or interactive activity for the whole group as they gather.


Create an environment free of distractions. Run the computer and audio equipment to give kids and their leaders the best experience possible.

Small Group Leader

Show kids God's love. Gather with a small group of kids, divided by grade, to encourage them and engage them in discussion.

Large Group Leader

Got teaching skills? Lead the whole group in an interactive Bible story lesson.


Help parents enjoy the service without distracting by keeping their child safe and loved.

*Background check required to serve in this area.


Click here if you are interested in helping with NorthCross Kids.

Guest Experience

Secondary Title

Church should be a place where everyone can discover and experience the love of God.

The Guest Experience teams welcome and serve the people who attend Bethlehem, because we love it when attenders experience an atmosphere of excitement and are engaged with the people around them.

Parking Lot Team

Welcome people as they drive in and direct them as needed.

Welcome Team

Greet and guide people as they enter the building. 

Guest Services

Connect with guests and guide them to their next step when they are ready.


Set up and manage the lobby hospitality station with coffee and snacks.

Bread Pick Up

Stop by Cub Food on Saturday to pick up the treats for Sunday morning.

Click here if you're interested in being a part one of the Guest Experience teams.

Financial Peace University

Secondary Title


open to the public

Bethlehem regularly hosts sessions of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. Click here and select "Bethlehem Lutheran Church" for more information about the next session.

Personal Bible REading Plans

Secondary Title

There are plenty of great options out there for reading the Bible on your  Here are just a couple of ideas.


SOAP is a three-year plan that will take you through the entire Bible. This plan encourages you to journal as you journey through each chapter of the Bible. Stop by Guest Services to pick up a free journal which includes the daily reading plan. Click here for more details about how SOAP works.

Bible Gateway

This website is not only a great online resource for reading and searching the Bible, but it also offers a variety of Bible reading plans that last anywhere from one week to three years.

YouVersion Bible App

This app puts the entire Bible right on your phone or personal device. Open it up to read, search key words, play audio versions of the Bible, take notes, and much more.