We live at a time when everyone seems to be offended by something. Unfortunately, anger and outrage can be heavy weights to carry around with you. While you can't avoid every circumstance that will cause offense, you can choose not to carry around the weight. You can choose to travel light.
Part 1: Put DOwn the WEight
January 3, 2021
Only you can choose whether or not you take offense at something. What if you could choose to walk away from your anger rather than carrying around the weight of being offended?
Part 2: Cancel Culture
January 10, 2020
We live at a time when it's common to "cancel" someone if they wrong you or even disagree with you. It's quick. It's easy. It's final. And yet, it's not good. This week we are going to learn that letting go of offense is not about canceling people, but has a lot to do with canceling something else.
Part 3: Nothing to Lose
January 17, 2021
Is unaddressed fear keeping you from traveling light? When you're afraid of losing something, your natural tendency is take offense as an act of defense. God shows a better way to deal with the parts of your life that are gripped with fear.
Part 4: Take Another Look
January 24, 2021
There are some things you can do to avoid causing offense to others, but keep in mind that there were plenty of people who took offense at what Jesus said and did. As it turns out, the "good news" of Christianity is offensive until you take another look to see yourself rightly.