How far have you gone to win the approval of other people? There were a few times when Jesus intentionally did or said something that would make him less popular with the people around him. A visit to his hometown proved he was not concerned about people's approval of him. His main concern was winning God's approval for you.
Part 4: Homecoming
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Part 3: Conversation at the Well
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The way you choose to use your time is a sign of what's important to you. Jesus chose to use his time in a way that would have seemed unexpected to the people of his culture. The result is that we get a glimpse into what was really important to Jesus and his ministry. And this event might even change the way you view Jesus and his Church.
Part 2: Miracle Man
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Chances are, you have either prayed or hoped for a miracle to happen. But it seems like most miracles never happen. If Jesus can do anything, why doesn't he do more? A look at his first miracle will help you understand why he did them and what they mean.
Part 1: The Right Start
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What do you think of when you hear the name Jesus? Interestingly enough, you will find there is a wide range of answers to that question. And yet, the reality of Jesus' impact is undeniable.
Part 12: Final Approach
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When it comes to the four books written about Jesus' life, one third of their content details the events of Jesus' final week. Palm Sunday is the launch of that final week, and though it was a busy day with lots of things going on, a look at that day can only lead you to one conclusion.
Part 11: Grieving Sisters
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Grieving someone's death is a really difficult thing, and yet it is in that experience that you can find a renewed sense of focus and direction for your life. If you have ever wrestled with questions in the wake of someone's death, take a look at how Jesus interacted with some grieving sisters.
Part 10: Greatness Descends
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While the people who were closest to Jesus recognized that they were on the path to greatness, they did not recognize what that path would require of them. By the end of a crucial conversation, Jesus guided them to see that there is no path to greatness. There is only a path of greatness, and it requires more than you might think.
Part 9: Turning Point
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Let's be honest: It's not always easy to follow Jesus. How do you handle those moments? It's tempting to stop following, but before you commit to that decision it is wise to consider who or what you will replace him with.
Part 8: Dinner on a budget
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Sometimes the best you have to offer just doesn't seem like it's good enough.
A widely-known event from Jesus' life puts you on a path to discover what God can do when you bring whatever it is that you have.
Part 7: Peace in the Boat
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Storms can hit any area of life at any time. Their uncertainty and intensity can make you wonder how much God is really in control of things. The peace that Jesus provided in the midst of a literal storm will help you understand what God's presence means when you go through difficult times.
Part 6: The Fulfiller
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Jesus got people's attention whenever he would stand up to preach. It almost seemed like he was bucking the system by contradicting commonly held beliefs on a regular basis. In this message we dig into what fueled Jesus to do this, and as you discover what was beneath it all, Jesus will invite you to live your life with more freedom than ever before.
Part 5: Gone Fishing
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Because of an invitation Jesus made to some fishermen, he proved that having purpose doesn't change your life. Having purpose is the result of a changed life.