(Hot Seat Part 8)
November 25, 2018
You have probably been disappointed when you prayed for a good thing to happen, but in the end nothing changed. Does prayer actually change things, and if so how?
Does Prayer change things?
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(Hot Seat Part 8)
November 25, 2018
You have probably been disappointed when you prayed for a good thing to happen, but in the end nothing changed. Does prayer actually change things, and if so how?
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Some of the most important questions never get honest answers. We're trying to change that.
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Why do bad things happen to good people?
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(Hot Seat Part 1)
October 7, 2018
When bad things happen to good people it can lead you to the conclusion that God doesn't care or that God isn't there. But when people approached Jesus with some bad things that were happening, Jesus directed them to an entirely different conclusion.
Did God Predestine Me?
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(Hot Seat Part 2)
October 14, 2018
Jesus and his apostles occasionally referenced something that tends to bring up a lot of questions: That before the world was created, God predestined certain people to be saved through Christ. What does that mean? How did that work? And how do you know if God predestined you?
What happens To someone who commits suicide?
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(Hot Seat Part 3)
October 21, 2018
Everybody has been affected by suicide in one way or another. This is a difficult topic to talk about, but it's even worse to not talk about it. The good news is that with God there is always hope.
Why is the bible so strict about alcohol?
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(Hot Seat part 4)
October 28, 2018
Why is the Bible so strict about alcohol? That's a great question to ask, especially when you contrast the biblical view of alcohol with our cultural view of it. The answer to that question is not as simple as you might think, and the implications go well beyond the number of drinks you have.
Why Does God have so many rules about sex and sexuality?
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(Hot Seat Part 5)
November 4, 2018
Well before the dawn of the internet and the temptations it would bring, Jesus warned people about how they viewed and used God's gift of sex. In this message you'll discover what safeguards God wants you to put around that gift.
How Should Christians APproach Homosexuality?
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(Hot Seat part 6)
November 11, 2018
There is a lot of confusion when it comes to the topic of homosexuality, what the Bible really says about it, and how Jesus would have his church approach it. It requires patience and wisdom to show both love for people and love for God when it comes to this topic.
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Why does it feel like God's rules take the fun out of life?
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(Hot Seat Part 7)
November 18, 2018
If rules can take the fun out of life, then why does God pile up even more?